How does a Focused Future course help my university application?
Primarily, it shows you’re bothered!
Put yourselves in the shoes of the university application boards for a second. They have to go through a mountain of applications every year. Each one more impressive than the one before. Something has got to make applications stand out.
That’s where course providers like us come in. This is something to put on your UCAS applications which says to unis “Hey! Pick me! I really want a place here”.
In other words, it is something special and unique to add to that application. On a course like ours, you will have so much to talk about on applications, or interviews. You can discuss the things you learnt, the places you saw, the people you met, the activities you did… the list is kind of endless. During the course we also dedicate time to helping you strengthen your applications, which is a real bonus.
Also, it means that when you actually do attend uni you will have had a taste of what learning at that level is actually like. This will come from learning from teachers who have lectured at universities, and meeting recent graduates too. Starting university is exciting and scary all at the same time. A course like this can cut through a bit of the scary, though before the real thing.
Overall, you leave Focused Future knowing more than you ever thought possible at your level about your chosen topic AND you’re helped with how to best present that information in uni applications.